File name: Pandora83s1_Cabauw_L2_rnvh3p1-8.txt File generation date: 20240918T171028.4Z Data description: Level 2 file (columns and more) Data file version: rnvh3p1-8 Data product status: Nitrogen dioxide data are official, Water vapor data are official Local principal investigator: Alexander Cede Network principal investigator: Alexander Cede DOI: 10.48596/pgn.rnvh3p1-8.Cabauw.P83s1 Instrument type: Pandora Instrument number: 83 Spectrometer number: 1 Processing software version used: BlickP v1.8.59 Full location name: Cabauw Short location name: Cabauw Country of location: Netherlands Location latitude [deg]: 51.9704 Location longitude [deg]: 4.9262 Location altitude [m]: 0 Data start time: 20240527T074400. Data end time: NONE Data caveats: OOB session based on clearance session 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Column 1: UT date and time for measurement center, yyyymmddThhmmssZ (ISO 8601) Column 2: Fractional days since 1-Jan-2000 UT midnight for measurement center Column 3: Effective duration of measurement [s] Column 4: Solar zenith angle for measurement center [deg] Column 5: Solar azimuth for measurement center [deg], 0=north, increases clockwise Column 6: Lunar zenith angle for measurement center [deg] Column 7: Lunar azimuth for measurement center [deg], 0=north, increases clockwise Column 8: Pointing zenith angle for measurement center [deg] Column 9: Pointing azimuth for measurement center [deg], 0=north, increases clockwise Column 10: rms of unweighted fitting residuals, -9=fitting not successful Column 11: Normalized rms of fitting residuals weighted with independent uncertainty, -9=fitting not successful or no uncertainty given Column 12: Expected rms of unweighted fitting residuals based on independent uncertainty, -9=fitting not successful or no uncertainty given Column 13: Expected normalized rms of weighted fitting residuals based on independent uncertainty, -9=fitting not successful or no uncertainty given Column 14: Climatological station pressure [mbar] Column 15: Climatological station temperature [K] Column 16: Climatological effective O2 height [km] Column 17: Climatological effective O2O2 height [km] Column 18: Climatological surface O2 concentration [mol/m3] Column 19: Climatological surface O2O2 concentration [mol2/m6] Column 20: Climatological total O2 column [mol/m2] Column 21: Climatological total O2O2 column [mol2/m5] Column 22: Data processing type index Column 23: Calibration file version Column 24: Calibration file validity starting date Column 25: Mean value of measured data inside fitting window [same units as measurements] Column 26: Wavelength effective temperature [°C], 999=no effective temperature given Column 27: Estimated average residual stray light level [%] (only valid for stray light correction methods 2 and higher) Column 28: Retrieved wavelength shift from L1 data [nm], -9=no wavelength change determination Column 29: Retrieved total wavelength shift [nm], -9=no wavelength change fitting Column 30: Retrieved resolution change [%], -999=no resolution change fitting Column 31: Integration time [ms] Column 32: Number of bright count cycles Column 33: Effective position of filterwheel #1, 0=filterwheel not used, 1-9 are valid positions Column 34: Effective position of filterwheel #2, 0=filterwheel not used, 1-9 are valid positions Column 35: Atmospheric variability [%], 999=no atmospheric variability was determined Column 36: L1 data quality flag, 0=assured high quality, 1=assured medium quality, 2=assured low quality, 10=not-assured high quality, 11=not-assured medium quality, 12=not-assured low quality Column 37: Sum over 2^i using those i, for which the corresponding L1 data quality parameter exceeds the DQ1 limit, 0=Saturated data, 1=Too few dark counts measurements, 2=No temperature given or effective temperature too different from the reference temperature, 3=Dark count too high, 4=Unsuccessful dark background fitting, 5=The dark count differs significantly from the dark map for too many pixels, 6=Absolute value of estimated average residual stray light level too high, 7=Although attempted, no wavelength change could be retrieved, 8=Absolute value of retrieved wavelength shift too large, 9=Retrieved wavelength shift differs too much from the shift predicted by the effective temperature Column 38: Sum over 2^i using those i, for which the corresponding L1 data quality parameter exceeds the DQ2 limit (same parameters as for DQ1) Column 39: L2Fit data quality flag, 0=assured high quality, 1=assured medium quality, 2=assured low quality, 10=not-assured high quality, 11=not-assured medium quality, 12=not-assured low quality Column 40: Sum over 2^i using those i, for which the corresponding L2Fit data quality parameter exceeds the DQ1 limit, 0=L1 data quality above 0, 1=Spectral fitting was not successful, 2=Wavelength shift too large, 3=Normalized rms of fitting residuals weighted with independent uncertainty too large Column 41: Sum over 2^i using those i, for which the corresponding L2Fit data quality parameter exceeds the DQ2 limit (same parameters as for DQ1) Column 42: L2 data quality flag for water vapor, 0=assured high quality, 1=assured medium quality, 2=assured low quality, 10=not-assured high quality, 11=not-assured medium quality, 12=not-assured low quality, 20=unusable high quality, 21=unusable medium quality, 22=unusable low quality Column 43: Sum over 2^i using those i, for which the corresponding L2 data quality parameter for water vapor exceeds the DQ1 limit, 0=L2Fit data quality above 0, 1=Retrieval error, 2=Air mass factor too large, 3=Atmospheric variability too large Column 44: Sum over 2^i using those i, for which the corresponding L2 data quality parameter for water vapor exceeds the DQ2 limit (same parameters as for DQ1) Column 45: Water vapor surface concentration [mol/m3], -9e99=retrieval not successful Column 46: Independent uncertainty of water vapor surface concentration [mol/m3], -6=no surface concentration was retrieved since the maximum viewing zenith angle was below 87deg, -7=uncertainty could not be retrieved since slant column uncertainties were missing Column 47: Water vapor surface concentration index, 1=Fully mixed case from extrapolation to horizon, 2=Fully mixed case from largest pointing zenith angle, 3=Heterogeneous case from extrapolation to horizon, 4=Heterogeneous case from largest pointing zenith angle, -6=no surface concentration was retrieved since the maximum viewing zenith angle was below 87deg Column 48: Water vapor heterogeneity flag, 0=well mixed conditions, 1=heterogeneous conditions, -6=no surface concentration was retrieved since the maximum viewing zenith angle was below 87deg Column 49: Water vapor tropospheric vertical column amount [moles per square meter], -9e99=retrieval not successful Column 50: Independent uncertainty of water vapor tropospheric vertical column amount [moles per square meter], -4=tropospheric column was estimated from direct sun measurements using effective temperature, -5=tropospheric column was estimated from direct sun measurements using stratospheric climatology, -7=uncertainty could not be retrieved since slant column uncertainties were missing Column 51: Maximum horizontal distance for water vapor tropospheric column [km] Column 52: Maximum vertical distance for water vapor tropospheric column [km] Column 53: L2 data quality flag for nitrogen dioxide, 0=assured high quality, 1=assured medium quality, 2=assured low quality, 10=not-assured high quality, 11=not-assured medium quality, 12=not-assured low quality, 20=unusable high quality, 21=unusable medium quality, 22=unusable low quality Column 54: Sum over 2^i using those i, for which the corresponding L2 data quality parameter for nitrogen dioxide exceeds the DQ1 limit, 0=L2Fit data quality above 0, 1=Retrieval error, 2=Air mass factor too large, 3=Atmospheric variability too large Column 55: Sum over 2^i using those i, for which the corresponding L2 data quality parameter for nitrogen dioxide exceeds the DQ2 limit (same parameters as for DQ1) Column 56: Nitrogen dioxide surface concentration [mol/m3], -9e99=retrieval not successful Column 57: Independent uncertainty of nitrogen dioxide surface concentration [mol/m3], -6=no surface concentration was retrieved since the maximum viewing zenith angle was below 87deg, -7=uncertainty could not be retrieved since slant column uncertainties were missing Column 58: Nitrogen dioxide surface concentration index, 1=Fully mixed case from extrapolation to horizon, 2=Fully mixed case from largest pointing zenith angle, 3=Heterogeneous case from extrapolation to horizon, 4=Heterogeneous case from largest pointing zenith angle, -6=no surface concentration was retrieved since the maximum viewing zenith angle was below 87deg Column 59: Nitrogen dioxide heterogeneity flag, 0=well mixed conditions, 1=heterogeneous conditions, -6=no surface concentration was retrieved since the maximum viewing zenith angle was below 87deg Column 60: Climatological nitrogen dioxide stratospheric column amount [moles per square meter] Column 61: Uncertainty of climatological nitrogen dioxide stratospheric column amount [moles per square meter] Column 62: Nitrogen dioxide tropospheric vertical column amount [moles per square meter], -9e99=retrieval not successful Column 63: Independent uncertainty of nitrogen dioxide tropospheric vertical column amount [moles per square meter], -4=tropospheric column was estimated from direct sun measurements using effective temperature, -5=tropospheric column was estimated from direct sun measurements using stratospheric climatology, -7=uncertainty could not be retrieved since slant column uncertainties were missing Column 64: Maximum horizontal distance for nitrogen dioxide tropospheric column [km] Column 65: Maximum vertical distance for nitrogen dioxide tropospheric column [km] Column 66: Top height of water vapor layer 1 [km], -6=no profile was retrieved since the maximum viewing zenith angle was below 87deg Column 67: Partial water vapor vertical column amount in layer 1 [moles per square meter], -9e99=retrieval not successful Column 68: Top height of nitrogen dioxide layer 1 [km], -6=no profile was retrieved since the maximum viewing zenith angle was below 87deg Column 69: Partial nitrogen dioxide vertical column amount in layer 1 [moles per square meter], -9e99=retrieval not successful From Column 70: Optional results for higher layers in the same sequence as for layer 1 (4 columns per layer) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20240527T074400.5Z 8913.322228 22.57 53.98 101.39 100.86 239.16 86.00 287.00 5.925e-04 5.784e-04 3.969e-04 3.932e-04 1014 282 7.36 4.12 9.068e+00 8.222e+01 6.675e+04 3.387e+05 6 2 20230316 6.4005e-05 24.93 0.92 -0.00705 -0.00737 -999.00 232.070 97 1 1 99.56 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 9.2099e-01 1.4255e-02 2 0 6.6423e+02 1.5372e+01 13.33 3.57 10 0 0 2.5474e-07 1.8678e-09 2 0 5.310e-05 5.218e-06 7.0742e-05 8.4780e-07 13.33 3.57 0.31 1.9115e+02 0.31 3.6848e-05 0.49 8.7568e+01 0.49 1.1991e-05 0.66 6.5540e+01 0.66 5.9962e-06 0.80 4.9716e+01 0.80 3.0429e-06 1.30 1.9074e+02 1.30 1.1230e-05 1.85 6.0951e+01 1.85 1.3771e-06 2.01 1.8554e+01 2.01 2.5594e-07 20240527T081356.8Z 8913.343019 22.49 49.52 108.22 104.71 244.43 86.00 287.00 5.953e-04 5.763e-04 3.560e-04 3.528e-04 1014 282 7.36 4.12 9.068e+00 8.222e+01 6.675e+04 3.387e+05 6 2 20230316 7.6256e-05 25.01 0.90 -0.00822 -0.00979 -999.00 187.130 120 1 1 94.84 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 4.5015e-01 9.4639e-03 2 0 7.2628e+02 2.2265e+01 9.22 2.47 10 0 0 1.3495e-07 2.0358e-09 2 0 5.382e-05 5.218e-06 1.0045e-04 1.4022e-06 9.22 2.47 0.31 2.0243e+02 0.31 5.9895e-05 0.56 1.0511e+02 0.56 1.8711e-05 0.78 4.8258e+01 0.78 3.8261e-06 0.85 1.5149e+01 0.85 7.9646e-07 0.96 5.7553e+01 0.96 3.8403e-06 1.43 2.0189e+02 1.43 1.1804e-05 1.91 9.5889e+01 1.91 1.5790e-06 20240527T124415.5Z 8913.530734 22.52 33.16 209.23 142.59 298.82 86.00 287.00 4.348e-04 4.256e-04 3.158e-04 3.129e-04 1014 282 7.36 4.12 9.067e+00 8.221e+01 6.675e+04 3.387e+05 6 2 20230316 1.0338e-04 25.57 0.90 -0.01122 -0.01145 -999.00 144.230 156 1 1 99.97 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 5.0562e-01 5.3422e-03 4 0 1.0969e+03 2.0599e+01 11.76 3.15 10 0 0 7.5270e-08 8.0837e-10 2 0 6.030e-05 5.218e-06 8.7112e-05 1.4117e-06 11.76 3.15 0.38 7.1382e+01 0.38 3.2791e-05 0.53 4.7073e+01 0.53 1.1865e-05 0.66 6.5513e+01 0.66 9.7355e-06 0.86 7.5478e+01 0.86 7.2008e-06 1.21 2.2489e+02 1.21 9.2119e-06 1.60 4.6763e+02 1.60 1.4167e-05 1.92 1.4492e+02 1.92 2.1406e-06 20240528T054424.6Z 8914.239174 22.42 72.17 77.59 80.54 206.40 84.00 287.00 5.367e-04 5.290e-04 4.561e-04 4.520e-04 1014 282 7.36 4.12 9.066e+00 8.218e+01 6.676e+04 3.387e+05 6 2 20230316 4.4868e-05 24.65 0.95 -0.00469 -0.00609 -999.00 275.010 82 1 1 53.84 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 8.7990e-01 2.5453e-02 2 0 7.4652e+02 2.6965e+01 12.80 3.43 10 0 0 3.7952e-07 3.2586e-09 2 0 5.039e-05 5.218e-06 1.2160e-04 1.8021e-06 12.80 3.43 0.23 1.6395e+02 0.23 4.8216e-05 0.38 9.6332e+01 0.38 2.1852e-05 0.75 2.0019e+02 0.75 3.5058e-05 1.40 1.9053e+02 1.40 1.3475e-05 1.98 8.8229e+01 1.98 2.7856e-06 2.12 7.2951e+00 2.12 2.1460e-07 20240528T074348.7Z 8914.322092 22.47 53.91 101.19 91.25 230.59 84.00 287.00 4.438e-04 4.370e-04 3.665e-04 3.632e-04 1014 282 7.36 4.12 9.065e+00 8.218e+01 6.676e+04 3.387e+05 6 2 20230316 7.9224e-05 25.04 0.92 -0.00721 -0.00791 -999.00 205.670 109 1 1 95.92 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 4.7232e-01 9.3397e-03 3 0 5.6114e+02 3.1640e+01 7.87 2.11 10 0 0 1.4724e-07 2.1151e-09 1 0 5.324e-05 5.218e-06 1.3559e-04 2.2287e-06 7.87 2.11 0.16 8.9164e+01 0.16 3.3417e-05 0.24 4.8522e+01 0.24 1.5761e-05 0.39 8.0233e+01 0.39 2.4042e-05 0.64 1.0635e+02 0.64 2.4323e-05 1.15 1.3964e+02 1.15 3.1901e-05 1.79 9.7229e+01 1.79 6.1492e-06 20240528T084333.3Z 8914.363580 22.44 45.18 115.44 98.45 241.70 84.00 287.00 5.137e-04 5.030e-04 3.741e-04 3.709e-04 1014 282 7.36 4.12 9.065e+00 8.218e+01 6.676e+04 3.387e+05 6 2 20230316 6.2869e-05 25.37 0.96 -0.00902 -0.00996 -999.00 186.430 121 1 1 64.91 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 7.3415e-01 1.1603e-02 4 0 8.7970e+02 2.6921e+01 9.90 2.65 10 0 0 2.1980e-07 2.2649e-09 2 0 5.467e-05 5.218e-06 1.5336e-04 2.0264e-06 9.90 2.65 0.20 1.5297e+02 0.20 4.4963e-05 0.30 8.5701e+01 0.30 2.0024e-05 0.45 1.2370e+02 0.45 2.6854e-05 0.75 2.2520e+02 0.75 3.8440e-05 1.19 1.3909e+02 1.19 1.2536e-05 1.85 1.3566e+02 1.85 1.0222e-05 2.17 1.7380e+01 2.17 3.1923e-07 20240528T091348.6Z 8914.384590 22.54 41.13 123.86 102.42 247.17 84.00 287.00 4.773e-04 4.676e-04 3.382e-04 3.352e-04 1014 282 7.36 4.12 9.065e+00 8.218e+01 6.676e+04 3.387e+05 6 2 20230316 8.7163e-05 25.26 0.92 -0.00822 -0.01040 -999.00 163.050 138 1 1 97.55 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 4.3009e-01 5.8758e-03 4 0 6.2146e+02 1.8581e+01 11.27 3.02 10 0 0 9.9040e-08 1.4202e-09 2 0 5.539e-05 5.218e-06 9.0027e-05 1.2385e-06 11.27 3.02 0.23 1.2123e+02 0.23 2.7785e-05 0.38 8.2713e+01 0.38 1.5359e-05 0.56 9.9489e+01 0.56 1.3192e-05 0.88 1.3728e+02 0.88 1.5966e-05 1.19 8.3997e+01 1.19 6.6024e-06 1.67 9.6744e+01 1.67 1.1122e-05 20240528T144449.1Z 8914.614457 22.41 46.98 247.93 146.37 323.01 82.00 287.00 5.087e-04 5.027e-04 5.074e-04 5.024e-04 1014 282 7.37 4.12 9.065e+00 8.217e+01 6.676e+04 3.387e+05 6 2 20230316 4.7605e-05 25.16 0.92 -0.00692 -0.00632 -999.00 422.200 53 1 1 98.25 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 4.8932e-01 1.1109e-02 3 0 6.4420e+02 2.2277e+01 10.86 2.91 10 0 0 8.3227e-08 1.1184e-09 3 0 6.330e-05 5.218e-06 7.5892e-05 1.5498e-06 10.86 2.91 0.16 1.0254e+02 0.16 1.5360e-05 0.30 9.4264e+01 0.30 1.4623e-05 0.53 1.4029e+02 0.53 1.5940e-05 0.82 1.6823e+02 0.82 1.5521e-05 1.04 9.0366e+01 1.04 5.8196e-06 1.59 4.8516e+01 1.59 8.6285e-06 20240531T084506.9Z 8917.364664 21.67 44.67 115.37 66.42 218.66 84.00 287.00 5.782e-04 5.675e-04 4.791e-04 4.746e-04 1014 282 7.37 4.13 9.058e+00 8.205e+01 6.680e+04 3.387e+05 6 2 20230316 6.2715e-05 25.23 0.92 -0.00824 -0.00842 -999.00 379.100 57 1 1 81.71 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 4.9723e-01 6.6239e-03 3 0 6.3556e+02 2.0841e+01 9.36 2.51 10 0 0 1.1085e-07 1.3092e-09 1 0 5.514e-05 5.218e-06 8.7509e-05 1.2457e-06 9.36 2.51 0.18 1.2207e+02 0.18 3.2431e-05 0.27 5.7202e+01 0.27 1.0661e-05 0.37 6.0458e+01 0.37 9.6043e-06 0.46 5.2058e+01 0.46 6.4858e-06 0.62 7.5171e+01 0.62 8.7437e-06 0.82 9.0927e+01 0.82 6.8637e-06 1.17 9.6325e+01 1.17 9.3239e-06 1.74 8.1354e+01 1.74 3.3957e-06